Link to Core Content | Click triangles to unfold

<aside> <img src="/icons/error_gray.svg" alt="/icons/error_gray.svg" width="40px" /> I’m currently studying the CC. Month 1 notes are all mine. Since I haven’t had the time to study all the core content I’ve added some notes, those with blue numbers, created by @arjoio. It’s my plan to finish the CC in Q2. Each time I finish an episode I post a tweet to let you know there are new notes. I will replace the notes here.


Month 1. Basic IPDA

Month 2.

Month 3. Orderflow, Liquidity & SMT

Month 4. PD arrays

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7. Daily & Weekly ranges & profiles, MMXM principes

Month 8. CBDR, Daily Range, Low & high of the day projections