Weekly performance review bij Trader Dante

What worked well this week? What didn’t?
Was there a type of trade that didn’t work well? Or a market? Or a particular day? Time?
Did you enter trades too soon? Too Late?
Did you take profits too soon? Too late?
Were your stops too tight?
Did you take poor risk/reward trades?
Risked too much? too little?
Did you miss any trades?
Did you deviate from your plan? What was the outcome?
Are your answers above familiar? Eg. they’re recurring in your trading, and you haven’t taken action to do more of what works and less/the opposite?
For recurring problems:
Key questions:
• What is the problem?
• Why do I have this problem?
• What is the solution?
• How can I action it?
For recurring positives:
• How could I do more of what worked?
study the biggest move of the week and look if you see anything that would have caused you to catch this move. Drop chart below

Additional questions

Weekly outlook done (sat-mon)
Affirmations/visualisations done …/7 days
Number of trades taken + W, L, BE
Number of trades taken that WERE NOT your model
WHAT were the triggers for that behavior
How are you going to eliminate these triggers next week